Monday, March 31, 2014

Peach & Blueberry Pancakes

Peach & Blueberry Pancakes 1.jpg

I've been on the waiting list for about a year to join the Secret Recipe Club, a cooking group where each month we are assigned another blog from which we will choose a recipe to make and write a post about.  This is done in secret (hence Secret Recipe Club), so no one knows who is cooking from which blog until everyone puts up their post on reveal day.

Anyway, after a long wait, I was very excited to get an email this month inviting me to participate, and sending me my assigned blog ... Kudos Kitchen by Renee.  This is a fantastic way to discover some new blogs, and more importantly get to know the lovely bloggers themselves.

Renee was definitely a "new-to-me" blogger, and it didn't take me much time browsing around her blog to realise that the hardest part of this challenge was going to be narrowing things down to just one recipe to make.  Renee has a lot of recipes which really took my fancy, and which have now been bookmarked to make in the near future.  But, with the last of the seasons golden queen peaches and blueberries to use up, Renee's Blueberry Peach Pancakes seemed like the perfect dish.

I did make a few minor changes.  I roughly halved the recipe as, unlike Renee, I didn't have a big family of hungry men to feed.  This still made easily enough for two (possibly three) for breakfast/brunch.  In the original recipe, Renee used a combination of plain flour and sprouted wheat flour - in the absence of sprouted wheat flour, I used all plain flour.  I left out ground flax seed and, in the absence of buttermilk, I used a combination of regular milk and yoghurt.  Lastly, I made the most of fresh seasonal fruit in place of frozen fruit.

These pancakes were delicious, so good in fact that I have made them again, and have even managed to freeze some peaches and blueberries so that I can make them again in the winter ahead.

Peach & Blueberry Pancakes 2.jpg

Peach & Blueberry Pancakes Recipe
Adapted from recipe by Kudos Kitchen by Renee
Makes 2-3 generous servings

1-1/2 cups plain flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon coconut sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 large, free-range egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1-1/4 cups milk
2/3 cup plain yoghurt
2 tablespoons butter, melted, plus extra for frying
1 cup blueberries, plus extra for serving
1x large peach, cut into smallish dice (about the same size as the blueberries)
maple syrup for serving

Sift together flour, cinnamon and baking powder in a large bowl.  Add the coconut sugar and salt, and mix well to combine.

Whisk the egg lightly in a separate bowl.  Add the vanilla, milk, yoghurt, and melted butter.  Whisk lightly to combine.

Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, and stir until just combined.  Add the fruit and fold in gently.

Set a non-stick frying pan over medium heat, and add a tiny knob of butter.

Add spoonfuls of pancake batter to the pan.  Once bubbles start to appear around the edges and on the top side of the pancakes (about 1 minute), flip them over and cook until the underside is golden (approximately another minute).

Remove cooked pancakes to a serving platter and keep warm in a low oven while you cook the rest of the pancakes.

Once all the pancakes are cooked, add another generous knob of butter to the pan, along with the extra blueberries.  Cook over low heat just until the blueberries are warmed through, and starting to soften and release their juices.

To serve, spoon blueberries and their juice over the top of the pancakes, and drizzle liberally with maple syrup.

Hope you enjoy the pancakes as much as I did, and visit the links below to check out all the other great dishes my Secret Recipe Club friends made.

Secret Recipe Club

To see other great recipes from Secret Recipe Club members, visit the links below!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. One year waiting! WOW! Welcome to the Club! I know you will love to be part of it, and of course, I am very partial to group D, you know... ;-)

    Loved the recipe you chose, and once again, WELCOME!

    1. Thank you so much, Sally. It's been such an amazingly warm welcome to the group, I know I'm going to love getting to know everyone. It was definitely worth the wait.

  2. Wow, a whole year!! We are so happy to have you be part of the recipe club and especially part of our group. Great SRC pick this month!

    1. Thank you so much, and thanks for visiting. I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone and doing lots of cooking with the group.

  3. Well done for your 1st SRC! Look at that gorgeous stack o' flapjacks, and that glistening mound of blueberries!

    Oh, and I spent a week in Nelson on vacation a couple of years ago and adored every minute of it. To say that NZ and Nelson are pretty doesn't even BEGIN to do it justice.

    This is Dorothy from Shockingly Delicious. (I can't figure out how to sign in to get myself identified.)

    1. Thank you so much, Dorothy. Gosh, I'm so thrilled that you've visited my tiny little part of the world, and that you enjoyed it. I must admit that I do feel pretty lucky to live in such a special place.

  4. Una delicia con los arándanos.
    Un saludito

    1. Thanks, Miju - I love blueberries, and I especially love them once they've been cooked just enough to make the juices flow. Thanks for visiting.

  5. Oh my goodness! My husband would love these pancakes - he's a sucker for peach and give him any kind of berry and he's happy :)

    Happy first reveal day and welcome to SRC and Group D! Glad to have you in my group.

    1. Thanks, Sarah - I guess that nails what to make for your husband for breakfast on his birthday :-)
      I've totally loved my first reveal day, and really appreciate all your emails that made getting started with the group so easy.

  6. Welcome to SRC Group D!! I love your blog, and I love these pancakes. I would love to have them for breakfast right now. Great choice. Separately, my husband and I spent 3 weeks in NZ a few years ago and had such a wonderful trip. We spent a couple of nights in Nelson and did some wonderful kayaking and hiking there. What a beautiful area you live in :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Susan, and for your kind words. How awesome that you've visited New Zealand, and especially Nelson. It is a great spot for all those wonderful outdoor activities, and I'm so thrilled you got to experience that.

  7. What a great pick - those look fantastic!! I did pancakes this month too. :)

    1. Thanks, Rebekah - they were very delicious. I'll pop over and check out your pancakes.

  8. Welcome to the secret recipe club! Beautiful pancakes!

  9. I am a pancake fiend. I love a big plate full on Sunday morning. These look delicious!

    1. Thanks, Emily. There's just something so "Sunday" about starting the day with pancakes, isn't there? Actually, for me it's usually Saturday, because I work Sundays, and it's normally late morning after I come home from the market.

  10. Your pancakes look fantastic and I love all the changes you made. I'm glad you were able to use fresh peaches. I'm sure they make a very flavorful difference. Welcome to the SRC. I'm glad you were able to cut your teeth on one of my recipes :)
    Renee - Kudos Kitchen

    1. Thanks, Renee, and thanks for the original recipe :-) It was lovely to be able to use fresh fruit, but I know they'll be just as good with frozen fruit once winter rolls around. I'm so glad I got to cook from your blog for my first month at SRC.

  11. Welcome to the club! Your pancakes look absolutely delicious! Great pick this month :)

    1. Thank you so much, Melissa, and thanks for the welcome :-)

  12. This is my first month too! Your pancakes look fantastic.

    1. Thanks, Lauren. I hope you've enjoyed your first month as much as I have - can't wait to see what you made.

  13. wow these pancakes look beyond delicious!

  14. Yum. these look yummy! Welcome to the club

  15. Oh my goodness those are simply beautiful. What lovely photography! Welcome to the SRC. It's a wonderful group of supporting and friendly people. I'm fairly new too and love it.

    1. Karen, thank you so much for stopping by, and for such lovely kind comments. I'm really quite overwhelmed with how warm and welcoming everyone has been - I can tell I am going to enjoy this group enormously.

  16. Welcome to the SRC! These pancakes sound SO wonderful - a perfect first SRC recipe. I'd love some for breakfast right now!

    1. Thanks, Amy. They were very delicious pancakes - I'm sure you'd love them.

  17. Welcome! Fantastic post. Loved your blog.

    1. Thank you for such kind words, Shirley, and thanks for stopping by.

  18. I know where I want to eat breakfast - your house! Blueberries are in season here and I love them. Hardly ever get blueberry pancakes. What a sweet addition to add peach, my mouth is watering.

    1. Tina, you would always be welcome for breakfast at my house - should only take you a couple of days to get here :-) There seems to be something particularly luscious about the combination of blueberries and peaches together, but I think these would still be great with just blueberries on their own, or even just peaches. Nectarines would be good too I think.

  19. Ommmmgashhhhhh! This looks sooo goood!

  20. Oh my Sue those are some delectable looking pancakes! I'm about to have dinner but think I would rather have pancakes!

    1. You did make me smile, Mairi - but I would happily eat these for dinner too :-)


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